Table of contentS
The Switchboard protocol is designed as a distributed, client verifiable content publishing and discovery system. The goal of the system is to provide a framework of standards and functionality for sharing arbitrary data between self-selected parties without a centralized intermediary and without dependency on any one component of network infrastructure. Upon this system functional components can be built to provide additional utility and usability around such features as content discovery, curation, filtering, display, identity, and so forth. Much of this utility is possible in a client that consumes content delivered by an impartial protocol. The general idea being that users themselves should have full control over what content they consume and how that content is filtered and organized. Conversely, users should have the control and autonomy to share their content with whom they choose (and who also choose to view their content) without an intermediary. By decoupling the client’s utility from any single underlying network, the client’s value and usefulness can grow while taking advantage of new networks and advancements without disrupting functionality. The protocol was designed to be as simple and robust as possible while allowing independent development, either on the client or the utilized nextworks, to continually improve each of the system’s components without interrupting its operations.
The idea of a decentralized social (content) network is not new: today there exist a variety of functional protocols and standards with various levels of adoption and usage, including Mastodon, Diaspora, ActivityPub and dozens of others. Many of these network designs work via the concept of a set of self-hosted federated servers that each run their own content policies and choose other servers to include in their network for content and communication. Users then join a server, or set of servers, to publish and receive content. The primary difference between Switchboard and this type of network design is that, in a switchboard-based system, there is no need for dedicated servers of any kind. While users can run beacon processing and publishing nodes to effectuate content curation, filtering and content federation, these functions can all be executed within the client and without any active server beyond the functioning of the underlying networks. That is to say, a set of users could all communicate with each other via a switchboard client that utilized Ethereum and IPFS without any switchboard-specific intermediary or service, so long as Ethereum and IPFS were functional.
The Switchboard protocol utilizes existing networks for storing files, publishing messages, and retrieving new content and locations. The same kind of curation, federated content sharing and valueadded functionality (identity, payments, “likes”, etc.) are all possible with the system, but separate from the protocol’s core functionality, which is focused on providing robust cross-network communication systems. The switchboard approach trades some of the performance that comes with dedicated servers as well as the incentivisation that comes with tokenbased networks for a more robust and flexible core communication system. The goal being a shared language by which a variety of peers can all use to exchange data independent of the specifics, language, technology or otherwise, of any particular network.
In a common current model of decentralized social networks, a user first joins a node/community/ group, then consumes and publishes content through that node which further distributes it to nodes that it has chosen to connect with. This node is a specific server— likely run by a user or community administrator— and has its own policies governing content distribution, such as standards determining what communities it connects with so as to relay or retrieve content. These nodes take on the work of such tasks as routing, content moderation, upkeep and peer selection. Their continued operation is necessary for the existence and performance of the network.
In Switchboard, beacon addresses act as organizing nodes or community centers. Any user with awareness of the beacon address can process any content published to it with their own set of filters, rules or views. This beacon can actively process the content submitted to it, much in the same way as a community in Diaspora or Mastodon, but, if the owner should fail, stop or produce inaccurate or undesirable records, then any follower of the node can process locally. Alternatively, a user could run their own beacon whose sole content was that of the failed beacon. In this way, the community can curatorially fork any public beacon’s content.
Depending on the underlying networkings utilized, the local resources for running a client that fully processed the network would not be insignificant, as they could involve running up to a full node for historical content. However, most clients would likely process content as a stream and thus much lighter weight client implementations could be used to read network activity as it happened. The likely scenario is that third-party network data providers are used, at least to monitor publishing, as functionality found in any block explorer would suffice to monitor a beacon.
Users observe a genesis address on any network for announcement messages from content beacons. Users then observe these beacons for content announcement or the addresses of content maps published by each beacon. These content maps contain data and locations, possibly on different networks, for all content submitted to the beacon with an optional step of processing or curation undertaken by the beacon operator. This process happens off chain, but can be recreated by any user to reveal any difference between submitted content and published content— intended or fraudulent. In this way, users can “fork” a beacon by monitoring it and publishing their own version of content maps based on its submissions.
Users can submit content to these beacons by sending a message to the beacon address as well as any fee (if required for submission or anti-spam) that contains the address of the content to publish and associated data. If the content is accepted by the beacon (or by any other users processing that beacon address) then it will be included in a content map.
Unlike consensus-based protocols, Switchboard does not have a group of peers that all arrive on a single state for the network. Instead the consensus mechanisms of each utilized network arrive on their own state and Switchboard participants observe messages across these networks to be interpreted and filtered according to the user’s preferences. There exists a total sum of all Switchboard content on any given network, but users only care about and observe the activity that is relevant and valuable to them. In this way, Switchboard acts more as a shared language that can be used by peers to communicate across any number of networks.
The unit of data shared on the network, a specific file (text, image, video, archive package of web files, code, application).
The network that will store a piece of content. This includes a decentralized storage provider (ipfs, storj, sia, etc.) as well as any other network addressable storage location for which there is a viable storage module.
A link or address to a specific piece of content on a content network.
A list of content addresses. These maps are published by active beacons and are the result of applying any beacon specific filtering, verification or curation to submitted content.
The interface by which a piece of content is uploaded to a content network, this could include ftp, ipfs, or any other viable transfer protocol. Storage modules are run locally by the client.
A list of beacon addresses that are monitored for new content maps. When a content map is published by any beacon on the list it will be retrieved and then scanned for any new content from monitored publishers or content that matches any other filters set by the user.
A list of all addresses for which to retrieve content. When the client sees new content from an address on the monitored publishers list in a content map it will be retrieved and added to the local feed.
All content retrieved from content networks, to be filtered and displayed by the client according to any local rules.
The address(es) on any network used by beacons to announce themselves.
Unowned and standard across networks (to the extent possible, e.g. – 0x000...00).

- The users watches the network's genesis beacon via a discovery module.
- The user discovers a series of content beacons as they announce themselves and chooses a subset to follow.
- The user detects a new piece of content submitted to the beacon and saves the content address
- The user downloads the file from the content address
The interface by which networks are monitored for content messages. Discovery modules can work either as nodes in which the client is directly analyzing transactions for the integrated network to look for updates or as interfaces into third party data services, such as block explorers.
The suggested rate at which active content beacons announce themselves to the genesis beacon. The more frequent this rate the easier it is for a client to discover content beacons without the need for an active beacon to process beacon announcements.
The protocol is a map of references that builds from a single address, can span networks, and collects at public beacon addresses.
Users can verify or process any network content or function locally and never need to rely on any other network member.
The network functions with two users and scales to the technical limits of any content or publishing network it utilizes.
The client-based processing approach provides network independence and the ability to utilize features of multiple networks while never relying on any single one.
The protocol is a series of references and can be used by any client to discover and interpret content. The entire network unfolds from a single address— that of the genesis beacon. This acts as the root for a content network and, from this address, the network of beacons, content and publishers should be accessible and interactive. The architecture allows for a mix of public and private beacons and networks, so, while there would likely be a single (or few competing) primary “public” networks, there would be a host of private and semi-private networks alongside it with users consuming and publishing across them. Due to the modular nature of the switchboard protocol its networks could exist on any number of base protocols, each with its own genesis beacon.

- Users submit content and metadata to an active beacon.
- The beacon owner processes those submissions and applies curation, verification or filtering resulting in a content map
- The content map file is uploaded to a content network.
- The location of the content map file is published by the beacon and observed by any monitoring clients.
Since beacons process maps offline, there is always the opportunity for dishonest behavior. To address this, any client can verify a given beacon’s activity by rebuilding the activity of content map construction.
Beacon owners can set a submission fee for publication to be included with the submission message, potentially as a review fee for curation or as a deterrent for spam submissions. Since beacon owners are not technically necessary and clients should be able to perform content map processing, beacon operators should emerge when they provide enough value to warrant fees. These could include high quality curation, spam and bot filtration, content moderation and compliance or others. Or, when there is a secondary incentive, such as building a platform/audience, promotion of a client or network, or even expanding the robustness of the protocol itself.
The client acts as the “switchboard” interpreting and transferring messages between networks. The client consists of a set of three module types: storage modules (which allow users to upload and download content to and from the network); publication modules (which publish messages about content to a network and make content discoverable); and discovery modules (which learn about new content from beacons on networks.)

- A user wants to share an image using Switchboard, and uplads the file via a client.
- The client uploads the file to a File Storage Netowrk (FSN) via a storage module and saves the public address of the file.
- The user then uses a publication module within the client to announce the content to (3A) a public filesharing beacon as well as (3b) a private beacon they share with friends and family.
With these three functions– file transfer, message publication and message observation— the client software can fully utilize the protocol.
Additionally, the client can act as a local beacon (or active beacon) and process publication messages itself. In this way the only functional difference between a beacon and a client processing locally is if the result is published to the network.
The client-based approach is appealing because local rules can be applied to display the network content in any format or configuration and then be filtered or organized according to user preferences. Further, the content publication and consumption experience is fully independent of the underlying networks, so the client can seamlessly benefit from advancements at the network level.
While content is public on the networks by design, in most cases the protocol works just as well for encrypted content. This can happen at two levels. First, the files uploaded by any user can be encrypted before upload and submission. The user would then share keys with any parties in advance, who would use them to decrypt the files after transfer via the network. Additionally, users could use unannounced beacons for private groups, and further encrypt the publication messages and data, given coordination with the beacon owner, or in the case of distributed local content map processing where each member has a key. Key sharing is an example of a service imagined to be enabled at the client or through complimentary services but not within the protocol itself.
Bob is an avid writer. After setting up his switchboard client he enters the address of the genesis beacon on the Ethereum mainnet. The client begins processing maps with a discovery module integrated with a popular block explorer. From this stream of updates Bob discovers a series of popular content beacons. Among them an open and active community of writers in the style of Medium and a curated collection of writings, administered by a known author, updated weekly. Adding these beacons to his watchlist his client begins monitoring for content from all three. Given the active and open nature of the Medium-style content node Bob enables a set of local filters that automatically screen known bot and spam content, as well as highlighting mentions of topics of particular interest. As Bob reads the latest update from the curated writing community he realizes that he has recently completed a short story that would be well suited for submission. Using a storage module in his client he uploads the text of his work to IPFS as well as an AWS web server he shares with some friends. From here he selects both the open and curated beacons as content destinations and attaches the submission fee and a note to the transaction to the curated beacon. Once the message is published he can see the story appear in the feed for the Medium-style beacon and other users can discover, read and share his work.
In the above example the file type, curation and filtering methods can all be swapped out to create content networks of any type, including the delivery of web content/applications. Switchboard works at a low level with the idea that developers and users can build a configurable stack of functionality on top of it.
Switchboard has the potential to act as a trusted messaging or broadcast system for projects, dapps and networks. Instead of proving ownership of an off-chain Twitter account, email or site projects could send messages directly from wallets with known control. These would then be observable and directly verifiable as authentic content by watchers. Additionally beacons across multiple networks could be used to publish ownership verification messages allowing users to prove shared ownership of multiple accounts across networks in a way that’s observable and verifiable, further extending the potential utility of message publication.
- A user selects a piece of content they want to distribute (image, video, text file, html bundle, etc.)
- A user selects one or more content networks from a list of transfer modules, each of which can have multiple configurations of credentials and settings:
- IPFS: settings + credentials
- IFPS: Alternative Credentials (settings + credentials)
- SIA: settings + credentials
- AWS host / FTP / other (settings + credentials)
- etc. - <optional encryption step>
- The transfer module uploads the content to the system and upon success returns a content address that a user can share with a beacon or another user
- Once the upload is complete the user then selects one or more beacons via a publication module on which to publish their message.
• Content Owner Address
• Tags
• Is Encrypted
• File locations[x]
File location is a list of all locations where the file has been published. In this way fallback or alternative options can be provided for any file, e.g. a traditionally hosted file location may be paired with a location on a decentralized provider, and further with a locally hosted location, to provide both more performant and more resilient options for file retrieval as well as a fallback.
Content Owner could be the submitter or the address of another publisher on the network. In this way content can be linked or “reblogged” with attribution to encourage discovery.
- A user enters the genesis beacon address into the client via a discovery module (Ethereum, Stellar, EOS, Decred, other).
- A set of beacons is retrieved:
(a) If the user connected to a beacon that is processing the genesis beacon then they’ll wait for the next content map link from the address.
(b) If the block link is not available or if the user is running fully local, then the client begins to process the genesis beacon transactions to identify beacons. - The beacon list is populated with discovered beacons for observation or publication.
Genesis beacon is a reference address without an owner in a network, therefore a user processing all logic locally could use it to build a list of active beacons. Otherwise a typical user might connect to a beacon that processes the genesis beacon to more efficiently retrieve the active beacons, and potentially, filtering or curation on top of basic announcement.
Beacon discovery can take place at any interval as once they are known they do not need to be re-discovered and become the source of further network content.
- A user watches their monitored beacons for new content maps on a publisher network.
- A content map is detected and downloaded from its content network via a transfer module.
- <optional decryption here>
- The content map is processed by a set of filters defined by the client. This could include:
a. content from an address on the list of monitored publishers
b. content that matches a file type or tag
c. content recommended or rejected via a curation or filtration module
- Beacon gathers all transactions sent to its address (or its target address) during the content map interval
- Beacon processes these transactions by filtering, verifying or curating according to its policies
- The results are formatted into a content map and published to a content network
- The location of the content map with the results is then published to the publisher network and sent to one of two signal addresses:
a. its own address, for an unannounced map
b. to the clearinghouse address, for a public map
• Destination Address
• Content Map Network
• Content Map Address
• Is Encrypted
• Meta Data/Message
File location is a list of all locations where the file has been published. In this way fallback or alternative options can be provided for any file, e.g. a traditionally hosted file location may be paired with a location on a decentralized provider, and further with a locally hosted location, to provide both more performant and more resilient options for file retrieval as well as a fallback.
Content Owner could be the submitter or the address of another publisher on the network. In this way content can be linked or “reblogged” with attribution to encourage discovery.
- Beacon generates an announcement message
- Beacon sends an announcement message to the genesis beacon address every announcement interval to signal liveness and update any beacon parameters
• Destination Address
• Beacon Address
• Beacon Name
• Beacon Short Description
• Beacon Long Description/Rules (content map address)
• Supported Content Types
• Accepts Encrypted
Publish Content
A user uploads content to a content network and receives a content address. The user then selects one or more content beacons on which to broadcast their content, as well as any associated metadata.
Beacon Discovery
A user connects to the genesis beacon and receives a list of active public beacons, or directly enters in the address of a beacon into their client. These beacons can then be used to publish content or can be monitored for new content.
Content Discovery and Processing
A user connects to the genesis beacon and receives a list of active public beacons, or directly enters in the address of a beacon into their client. These beacons can then be used to publish content or can be monitored for new content.
A beacon (optionally) announces itself by sending an announcement message to the genesis beacon. This announcement is repeated at a standard announcement interval to show the continued liveness of the beacon.
Process and Publish Content Map
During each publication period beacons watch for transactions sent to their address that contain content links and metadata. The beacon then verifies this data by its own auditing and curation process, then stores the results in a content map on a content network and publishes the location of that content map to a signal address for discovery by its followers.
Beacon Verification / Simulation
Users can (optionally) process the transactions of any beacon by creating content maps locally based on the submissions to that address.
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$FWB-weighted voting rights
Access to participate in the governance Discord channel and governance-related virtual meetups
Ability to submit proposals
Hold 75 $FWB tokens at all times
Pass a membership application (acceptance rate is unclear, and appears to be skewed towards diversifying the DAO’s demographics)
Access to all Discord channels and content
Invitations to weekly virtual events
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Access to the community’s weekly newsletter
$FWB-weighted voting rights
Access to participate in the governance Discord channel and governance-related virtual meetups
Ability to submit proposals
$FWB-weighted voting rights
Access to participate in the governance Discord channel and governance-related virtual meetups
Ability to submit proposals
Hold 75 $FWB tokens at all times
Pass a membership application (acceptance rate is unclear, and appears to be skewed towards diversifying the DAO’s demographics)
Access to all Discord channels and content
Invitations to weekly virtual events
Access to regional in-person events
Access to the community’s weekly newsletter
$FWB-weighted voting rights
Access to participate in the governance Discord channel and governance-related virtual meetups
Ability to submit proposals
$FWB-weighted voting rights
Access to participate in the governance Discord channel and governance-related virtual meetups
Ability to submit proposals
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